The Google Webmaster Helping Googlers
Google Products and SEO Jan 12, 2008

Today I’ve been inundated with “Best of 2007” SEO, SEM, and Search blogs and sites lists. Amazingly the only mention Google got was for their Webmaster Central Blog, a quality one at that, but there is so much more information out there that Google offers us lowly webmasters.
One of the best kept secrets in the webmastering and SEO community is the Google Webmaster Help Group which is part of Google’s thriving and growing Google Webmaster Center. Unlike some much lesser but more popular forums site specific help is available and almost required to get the most information. The discussion on the group is not a matter of theoretical discussion but actual practical application. Almost daily (sometimes more, sometimes less) you will see input from actual Google employees and not mere speculation on all aspects of webmasters’ concerns and Google. Google employees can be easily spotted in the discussion by the little blue by their name.
With that being said, most people don’t have enough time to religiously follow the discussion group for the most important nuggets of knowledge and I could not find a central location that catalogued their contributions. The following is a list of the Googlers that regularly post on the help group, a link to their profile so you can find their latest posts. I’m sorry if I missed anyone,
If I did please let me know.
Adam Lasnik
Amanda Camp
Andrey Stroilov
Berghausen “Bergy”
Evan T
Google Employee
Jessica W.
John Mueller
Jonathan Simon
Maile Ohye
Matt Cutts
Matt D
Nathan Johns
Riona MacNamara
Susan Moskwa
Thu Tu
Vanessa Fox