Commercials showing us as a nation of wimps
Advertising May 13, 2018

The Liberty Mutual commercial starts out with a mom saying that Liberty Mutual stood by them when her son got a flat tire. Then the camera quickly cuts to two young boys who are trying to figure out what a lug wrench is. Give me a frigging break. Really? Did the Liberty Mutual kid call his mommy when he got a flat tire? Is it really possible for two young boys who haven’t a clue what a lug wrench is? Three words come to mind; wimps, wimps, wimps. Make’s me want to scream; ‘Hey wussy boy, get off your your mobile phone, get out the car and change your tire’.
Our generation young men have fallen prey to the ad agency commercial culture of bottled water, cell phones, and fashion fads. We have raised a nation of kids who are afraid to get a little grease under their finger nails.
When I was growing up as a teenager we changed our motor oil, changed our brakes, rotated our tires and mowed the lawn. We even drank from the garden water hose. Our choice of high fashion tennis shoes were KEDs, Converse All-Stars or Goodrich PF Flyers.
And yes; we knew how to change a flat tire. IN YOUR FACE LIBERTY MUTUAL.