Liberty Mutual Wet Teddy Bears – Negative Advertising
Advertising Apr 03, 2021

Let’s hang this one out to dry. In otherwords, you never associate your brand or product with a negative message. More specifically, if your customers expect a specific product (in the case it’s a hotdog), you don’t give them something they can’t eat, like a wet teddy bear. Moreover, in this commercial, the customer is clearly disappointed and confused.
On the other hand, I get what they are trying to do with this commercial. For example, they are trying to make a silly concept memorable. However, in this case, the concept is completely unrelatable.
This commercial is not relatable on any level.
Liberty Mutual Wet Teddy Bears
Comments (23)
08 Apr 2021 - 12:55 pmAWFUL!!!!!!!!!!
16 Apr 2021 - 12:28 amIt’s idiotic. But so is an Emu. Those commercials are all stupid. I’d never buy that insurance.
06 May 2021 - 11:17 pmHow stupid
20 Apr 2021 - 6:30 amPlease stop that wet bear commercial ! It plays 20 times a night make you crazy. I would never buy your insurance
Because of your awful commercials !
Jackie Ray Montgomery
26 Apr 2021 - 2:59 pmSomeone needs a different advertising company!!
Wet Teddy
03 May 2021 - 12:32 amReally weird!
Rick Vidallon
08 Apr 2021 - 1:31 pmI could not agree with you more!!
Christian Black
09 Apr 2021 - 5:20 pmYeah, Liberty Mutual actually does have superior auto insurance to almost all other popular insurance companies, but this commerical sucks, and doesn’t make any sense.
12 Apr 2021 - 1:30 am…and the entire premise of the campaign is silly. Who buys insurance that is NOT tailored to them?
15 Apr 2021 - 1:59 amThis is one dumb commercial.
15 Apr 2021 - 2:14 amI hate this.
Mark Knoffler
16 Apr 2021 - 3:31 amThe wet teddy bear concept is not only creepy and stuck on retard, it’s down right pedo.
Joe Dynazor
22 Apr 2021 - 8:49 pmWorst ad campaign I’ve ever seen.
25 Apr 2021 - 4:54 pmSome “professional” actually got paid to sit down and come up with this? Worse yet, another executive was stupid enough to buy this advertisement for their business? I probably would never get LMI based on their ads, even if they were the cheapest. This makes me dislike them. Every time these types of stupid commercials come on, all I can think of is how they interrupted my programming and wasted my time for such stupidity.
Onju Armrest
03 May 2021 - 5:48 pmAs the professional—and member of an oppressed people—who created this, I can only assume you’re a racist. More evidence of the white privilege that dominates our culture. If you were more in tune with the reality of our culture, you’d understand the cultural significance of a white man selling wet teddy bears.
26 Apr 2021 - 9:34 pmI suppose the seller’s instructions would be to keep your wet teddy bear in a pot of water in the refrigerator, and be sure to change the water daily. … you know,.. keeps it from “going bad.” God knows you certainly don’t want THAT!!!
Mark Theodore Powell
26 Apr 2021 - 11:02 pmAnnoying and stupid. Get it off the air. I change channel when it’s on. Must be the owner’s kid who wrote it. Obviously a two year old.
Fred Harrison
28 Apr 2021 - 3:50 amOregon Gov. Kate Brown’s COVID social distancing TV commercial shows a baby shower taking place outdoors with masked attendees in the pouring rain, with a teddy bear floating away in the deluge at the end. The leftist message in this ad is quite obvious. They are there to control the narrative, and leave everyone hanging out in the misery of the wet cold.
28 Apr 2021 - 6:12 pmThis commercial is hard to explain to a child, who loves their teddy bear and cannot understand why someone would drown it in hot, steaming water!!! We should not have to explain, to a child, commercials such as this! Not ideal advertising. It is getting attention negatively during the daytime while children are with their family in front of a TV!!!
29 Apr 2021 - 2:26 pmDiane, I had not thought about this from the perspective of a child and his or her teddy bear. Above all this drives home the point, this commercial was not well-planned on many levels.
Steve Johnson
01 May 2021 - 11:58 pmDumbest commercial ever. I did like Mayhem for Allstate.
05 May 2021 - 11:53 pmCould it be that the ad agency threw this one in as something so bad it would make all their other ideas look genius? But the agency did not realize the C-suite at the insurance company had smoked a ton of weed at lunch before the presentation and were totally high? Just trying to figure out how this annoying, awful ad made it onto television to torment me daily.
Linda Day
07 May 2021 - 11:24 pmBetween the wet teddy bears and the stupid guy in the yellow shirt with the stupid emu, I don’t know which is worst. What they don’t understand is these commercials are so bad, I would not buy insurance from this company. I called and told them their commercials were stupid and he hung up on me 🙂
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