Google goes to court to defend its ranking methods
Search Engine Optimization June 28, 2006
By Juan Carlos Perez, IDG News Service Google will try to convince a judge on Friday[…]
Google on secret mission to beat rivals
Google Products and SEO June 18, 2006
Google is secretly developing what is thought to be one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers[…]
Aussie search engine ‘wows’ Google
Google Products and SEO May 29, 2006
By Stephen Hutcheon A senior Google engineer has told how he was “wowed” by an Australian[…]
More On Amazon Dumping Google & Missing Paid Listings
Online Marketing May 2, 2006
By Danny Sullivan of Search Engine Watch Barry noted yesterday that Amazon’s A9 was no longer[…]
Screenshots Of Google’s New Search Results Screen
Google Products and SEO April 22, 2006
It appears that search engines are all doing some redesigns: Yahoo is working on a new[…]
Google and the Orion Algorithm
Google Products and SEO April 21, 2006
Google Inc. has acquired “Orion” search engine technology from an Australian university that last year described[…]
Google Products and SEO April 18, 2006
MOUNTAIN VIEW – 04/17/06 – Google Inc. has acquired “Orion” search engine technology from an Australian[…]
Google Algorithm Problems
Google Products and SEO April 6, 2006
Have you noticed anything different with Google lately? The Webmaster community certainly has, and if recent[…]
Can duplicate content influence your rankings?
Search Engine Optimization April 5, 2006
Every few months, webmaster forums discuss if search engines penalize duplicate content. Duplicate content can happen[…]
Bing Products and SEO March 29, 2006
This is article one of a four part series on optimizing your website for the “Big[…]
Rant and Rave About Google
Google Products and SEO March 19, 2006
Rant and Rave About Google The Search I recently purchased a book called “The Search” by[…]
The Dark Side Of Google
Google Products and SEO February 15, 2006
By Christine Stander The way that search marketers dream up conspiracy theories you’d think that we’re[…]
Google Big Daddy SearchQuake
Google Products and SEO February 8, 2006
Running ranking reports for clients is a standard part of an SEO’s job. This week I[…]
The Google Conspiracy Theory
Google Products and SEO February 2, 2006
By Mark Daoust In December, I published an article on the effect of purchasing links for[…]
SEO Spam
Search Engine Optimization January 19, 2006
Spam, in almost any form, is somehow bad for your health. The vast majority of web[…]